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Louttre B

"Etching can say whatever painting says."


Notes of biography

Marc-Antoine Bissière also known as Loutre was born in 1926 in Paris. His father Roger Bissière is a painter, he teaches at the Académie Ranson attended by Jean Le Moal, Alfred Manessier and sculptor Etienne Martin among others. In 1938 the Bissières leave Paris and settle in Boissièrettes (Lot). Loutre - nickname that was given by his father - works in the field and experiences farming.
He starts painting in 1942. Early in 1944, under the name of Antoine Bissière, he exhibits his first works at the Galerie de France with his father and his friends (Bertholle, Jean Le Moal, Manessier, Gustave Singier, Etienne Martin). Three months later, the young artist goes underground in Le Lot, then gets enrolled in the army. Early in 1945, Loutre - who turned 20 - is going to spend 2 years working with his father: « they were 2 years of sharing. I was offering him my spontaneity, he was offering me his experience ». Marc-Antoine Bissière choses a singular path between figurative and abstrated art that he himself calls « figuration allusive ». The artist leaves Boissiérettes in 1949 and settles in Paris where while still painting, he earns his living as a house painter until 1955. In 1954, he marries Laure Latapie, painter Louis Latapie’s daughter. Pierre Loeb’s art gallery exhibits his paintings in 1957, then in 1959 it will be in Jeanne Bucher’s art gallery. At the same time, Marc-Antoine Bissière shows his works at the Salon de Mai, then at the Salon des Réalités Nouvelles. In 1960, the artist starts etching linoleum and wood en “taille douce” with Marcel Fiorini’s friendly companionship. In 1961, he will be laureate of the second Biennale of Paris.
From 1962 and until 1967, he goes back to Boissièrettes turns away from abstraction and from that time on signs his artworks Louttre.B. He will be laureate of the Tokyo fifth Etching Biennale in 1966 and the following year of the Triennale de Grenchen (Switzerland). In 1969, Louttre.B carries out with Fiorini monumental etchings (2 x 3 m) ; a set of 10 mega-etchings is on display in 1970 in Jeanne-Bucher’s art gallery.
Artist with various interests, he will perform in many fields: painting and etching as mentionned but also sculpture, stained glass, tapestry, book illustration where he coordinates the entire process. For about sixty years working between Paris and Boissièrettes, he will show his work (paintings and etchings) in more than a hundred of exhibits in France and overseas (Germany, Denmark, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Unites States, Sweden, Switzerland, etc…).
If Louttre.B was always possessed by his father’s memory (Roger Bissière dies in december 1964), he will take him fifty years to free himself from the imposing shadow and give his pseudo its own real identity. All along his career, Louttre B. reshaped his language: « I spent my life in new journeys » he said with laughing eyes.
Louttre B. died on April 5th, 2012.

Artists on display

The art and the artists display: proclamations, galleries, museums, personal or collective exhibitions. On walls or in shop windows, wise or rebels, posters warn, argue, show. Some were specially conceived by an artist for such or such event, other, colder, have only the letter.

Some were created in lithographic technic, most are simple offset reproductions. They are many those who like collecting these rectangles of paper, monochrome or in games of colours, in matt paper or brilliant, with many words or almost dumb.

We are happy also to be able to greet, by this pages, mythical galleries as those of Denise René, Louis Carré, Claude Bernard, Berheim Jeune, Maeght, Pierre Loeb and others.


Complete work(s)

Complete work(s)
All the complete works

Bibliographic track and more

To read about the artist :
  • « L’art de Louttre », J. Lassaigne, Cat. d’expo, Galerie J.-Bucher, Paris, 1962
  • « Le renouveau de l’estampe », B. Gheerbrandt, in Gal. des Arts, n°44, mai 1967
  • « Les années 50 - Peintures, sculptures, témoig. », G. Xuriguera, Arted, 1984
  • « Louttre. B », M.-G. Bernard, in revue Cimaise n°188, juin-août 1987
  • « Portraits en douze esquisses », Baptiste-Marrey, Ed. Le Castor Astral, 1994
  • « Gravures - Peintures - Sculpures », P. Piguet, Ed. Arts et Dialogues Européens, 1996
  • « Louttre. B », coll., cat., Musée de Sens, 2003
  • « Louttre. B », Anne Malherbe, Ed. Ides et Calendes, Neuchâtel, 2007
  • « L'insolente nécessité de la peinture », B. Ceysson, cat., Ceysson Ed. d'Art, 2012
  • « Louttre. B », B. Ceysson, L. Guillaut, IAC Ed. d'Art, 2012
To read from the artist :
  • « Loutre. B », interview (1997) de C. Guibert, Encyclopédie A.A.C., 2001
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