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Louise Bourgeois was born in 1911 in Paris. Her family works in tapestry restoration. Her childhood is peacefully in Paris suburbs, until she discovers her father’s extra marital relationship. From her youth only remain bad memories. Bachelor, Louise Bourgeois leaves her family home to study higher mathematics at the Sorbonne, trying to find a sense for her tormented life, but it’s not the good choice. In 1936, Louise Bourgeois decides to continue her studies at the Beaux-arts and ...
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Biography of Louise Bourgeois
Louise Bourgeois was born in 1911 in Paris. Her family works in tapestry restoration. Her childhood is peacefully in Paris suburbs, until she discovers her father’s extra marital relationship. From her youth only remain bad memories. Bachelor, Louise Bourgeois leaves her family home to study higher mathematics at the Sorbonne, trying to find a sense for her tormented life, but it’s not the good choice. In 1936, Louise Bourgeois decides to continue her studies at the Beaux-arts and l’Ecole du Louvre. The revelation. In 1937, she meets Robert Goldwater, american citizen, then gets married with him. The next year, they move to New York. In this big city, she begins to work her art as a painter. In 1950, homesick, Louise Bourgeois sculpts sinuous and smooth totems from wood representing family and friends. Since the early sixties, Louise Bourgeois adopts a strange and radically different style. She uses new materials as latex, rubber and even plaster. In 1970, when her husband and father passed away Louise Bourgeois decides to appear on the international scene. From 1982 to 1983, the MoMa invites her as a special guest for a retrospective exhibition. In 1993, 88 years old, Louise Bourgeois represents the United States at the Biennale de Venise. Approved by a large majority, her art works are appreciated for their style, impregnated by a particularly feminine inspiration. Her drawings, paintings and sculptures have their source in procreation, birth and motherhood themes. At the same time, the artist builds an important graphic work. Early in the nineties, Louise Bourgeois organizes a new exhibition with a complex structure associated to a torture chamber. Only in 2009 the artist`s talents are revealed to the whole world. She receives the National Women`s Hall of Fame distinction in honor of her works about United State history. In 2010, Louise Bourgeois passes away in New York. She was 98 years old.
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Catalogue(s) raisonné(s)
Catalogue(s) raisonné(s)
* « The Prints of Louise Bourgeois », D. Wye et C. Smith, Ed. Museum of Modern Art, New York, 1995 * « Louise Bourgeois - The Complete Prints and books », en ligne, Ed. MOMA, New York, 2016 All the "catalogues raisonnés"Bibliographic track & more
To read from or about the artist :
* « Louise Bourgeois - Drawings », Jerry Gorovoy et autres, Ed. Robert Miller Gallery, New York, 1988* « Destruction du père, reconstruction du père. Écrits et entretiens 1923-2000 », Louise Bourgeois, Ed.. Daniel Lelong, Paris, 2000
* « Louise Bourgeois », collectif, Ed. Phaidon, 2003
* « He Disappeared into Complete Silence », Louise Bourgeois, Ed. Dilecta, Paris, 1947, rééd. 2008
Website :
No website dedicated to the artist.More :
A tribute to Louise Bourgeois
Louise Bourgeois avait près de 85 ans lorsqu'elle est morte, le 8 septembre 1975, à Terrebonne Parish en Louisiane (Etats-unis). Elle repose au Magnolia Cemetery de cette ville. En son hommage, cette rose blanche.
"« Au départ, mon travail c’est la peur de la chute. Par la suite c’est devenu l’art de la chute. Comment tomber sans se faire mal. Puis l’art d’être ici, en ce lieu. » " - Louise Bourgeois
"« Si vous ne pouvez vous résoudre à abandonner le passé, alors vous devez le recréer. C'est ce que j'ai toujours fait. »" - Louise Bourgeois
"« Je suis allée en enfer et j’en suis revenue. Et laissez-moi vous dire, c’était merveilleux. »" - Louise Bourgeois
"« Tout mon travail des cinquante dernières années, tous mes sujets, trouvent leur source dans mon enfance. Elle n’a jamais perdu de sa magie, de son mystère, ni de son drame. »" - Louise Bourgeois
"« Forte de leur prévenance et incapable de basculer hors du cercle de ses pairs, la protagoniste archétypale de Louise Bourgeois, la femme en équilibre précaire et lourdement chargée, semble pour une fois vraiment à l’abri de ce qu’elle redoute par-dessus tout. »" - Robert Storr
"« Il y a dans ce mélange de géométrique et d’organique, de rigidité et de malléabilité, d’architecture et de viscéralité, (…) la métaphore de sa structure psychique. »" - Marie-Laure Bernadac
Stamp :

Art movements
- + MODERN SCULPTURE / 1930-1970 / William Kenneth Armiage, Constantin Brancusi, Anthony Caro, Naum Gabo, Pablo Gargallo, Isamu Noguchi, etc.
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Artists on display
The art and the artists display: proclamations, galleries, museums, personal or collective exhibitions. On walls or in shop windows, wise or rebels, posters warn, argue, show. Some were specially conceived by an artist for such or such event, other, colder, have only the letter.
Some were created in lithographic technic, most are simple offset reproductions. They are many those who like collecting these rectangles of paper, monochrome or in games of colours, in matt paper or brilliant, with many words or almost dumb.
We are happy also to be able to greet, by this pages, mythical galleries as those of Denise René, Louis Carré, Claude Bernard, Berheim Jeune, Maeght, Pierre Loeb and others.