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Jean Helion

Do I talk rubbish, or is it finally the truth?

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Jean Hélion was born in 1904 in Couterne, France. He decides to dedicate himself entirely to painting around 1925. Before arriving in Paris, he was studying chemistry. In Paris, he works in an architectural office. He paints his first works in 1922, exhibits in Montmartre, at the Salon des ‘Croutes’, two years later. Jean Hélion, at the beginning of . . .

See & discover

Beyond works currently in stock, it seemed to me useful to combine business with pleasure by letting you discover others works by artists in my gallery. These artworks, now sold or removed from our website, have been in our stock in the past. These pages will undoubtedly make it possible for some of you to associate an image with its title or the other way round, for others it will be a good time to discover more on such and such artist. For the sake of confidentiality – the pieces being no longer available – we won't display neither their numbering or their price. For whatever reason, make sure to visit this amazing art database with to date 6441 online works just for your pleasure! Michelle Champetier

The works presented on this page are not available anymore.
Original signed lithograph de Helion Jean : The woman in the blue dress
The woman in the...
Circa 1970 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist. Unknow
Original signed lithograph de Helion Jean : Les feux de Mai
Les feux de Mai
1969 Original lithograph in colours, signed in pencil by the artist. Publishers’s drystamp Association Française des Amateurs d’Estampes. Without
Original signed lithograph de Helion Jean : Les passants
Les passants
1986 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the portfolio "Les passants". Without
Original signed lithograph de Helion Jean : Hommes au chapeau
Hommes au chapeau
Circa 1975 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist. Without
Single work Signed drawing in ink de Helion Jean : Homme au chapeau II
Homme au chapeau II
1943 Indian ink and watercolour, in lower right monogrammed and dated by the artist. On verso, dedicated, signed and dated in black ink by the artist. Without
Original signed lithograph de Helion Jean : Les passants
Les passants
1986 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the portfolio "Les passants". Without
Original signed lithograph de Helion Jean : The hatter
The hatter
1986 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the portfolio "Les passants". Without
Original signed lithograph de Helion Jean : The lovers
The lovers
1986 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist. Without
Original signed lithograph de Helion Jean : Abstract composition
Abstract composition
1933-1970 Original lithograph, after a drawing of the artist from 1933, signed in pencil by Jean Hélion. Without
Single work Single work de Helion Jean : Without title
Without title
1933 Watercolour and pencil, signed and dated in bottom on the right by the artist. Without
Original signed lithograph de Helion Jean : Title unknow II
Title unknow II
Unknown date Original lithograph, signed in pencil. Unknown
Original lithograph de Helion Jean : Man with the Hat
Man with the Hat
Unknown date Original lithograph, signed in pencil. Without
Original signed lithograph de Helion Jean : Unknow title I
Unknow title I
Date unknow Original lithograph, signed in pencil. Unknow
Original lithograph de Helion Jean : Title unknown
Title unknown
1951 Original lithograph, signed and dedicated in pencil "Pour Maki Renne, affectueusement, 1952" Without

Catalogue(s) raisonné(s)

Catalogue(s) raisonné(s)
*« Hélion », H.-C. Cousseau, Ed. du Regard, Paris, 1992 *« Jean Hélion », C. R. en cours de réalisation : All the "catalogues raisonnés"

Bibliographic track & more

To read about the artist :
  • « Hélion ou la force des choses », La Connaissance, Bruxelles, 1975
  • « Jean Hélion », H.-C. Cousseau, Ed. Regard, Paris, 1992
  • « Peintures et dessins », MAM de la ville de Paris, 1984
  • « Mémoire de la chambre jaune », J. Bichier, Ed. ENSBA, 1999
  • « A perte de vue, choses revues », coll. Empreintes, Ed. IMEC, Paris, 2000
  • « Hélion, la figure tombée », S. Lecoq-Ramond, Ed. Adam Biro, 2000
  • « Jean Hélion », H.-C. Cousseau & D. Ottinger, Centre Pompidou, 2004
  • « Hélion », Philippe Dagen, Ed. Fernand Hazan, 2004
  • « Hélion », Hervé Bize, Ed. Cercle d'art, 2004
  • « Jean Hélion », D. Ottinger, Paul Holberton Publishing, 2005
To read from the artist :
  • « Journal d'un peintre », Ed. Parole Et Silence, 1992
  • « Ecrits », ENSBA & IMEC, Paris, 1994 & 2004
Website :

More :

Mouvements de l'art

  • + SOCIAL REALISM / 1920-1950 / André Fougeron, Otto Griebel, Amédée de la Patellière, etc.
  • + ABSTRACTION-CREATION / 1931-1938 / Etienne Béothy, Frantisek Kupka, Piet Mondrian, Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Georges Vantongerloo, etc.
All art movements

Valuation - Brokerage

If you wish to offer an artwork by this artist or get an appraisal, please feel free to contact us.