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Antoni Tàpies
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- Antoni Tàpies
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Antoni Tàpies was born in 1923 in Barcelona (Spain). He followed at the same time Law studies and drawing studies (Valls academy, 1943). A military uprising led by the general Francisco Franco, and originally from Morocco, quickly spreads in all Spain and makes burst the civil war. Antoni Tapiès stayed in Spain and was an opponent of the dictator. He will always keep in mind this atrocious war. . . .
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The works presented on this page are not available anymore.

Art 6'75
1975 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist. Editor's blind stamp. Erker Presse, St Gallen, Switzerland. Galfetti 516
X - A
1975 Original etching, signed in pencil by the artist. Maeght Ed., Paris. Galfetti, volume II n° 498.
Nocturn Matinal,...
1970 Original lithograph, heightened in black (the hands) and pencil by the artist, and signed in pencil by the artist, from the heightened suite (by the... Galfetti n° 239a
Nocturn Matinal,...
1970 Original lithograph and screenprint, heightened in red and signed in pencil by the artist, from the heightened suite (by the artist) of the Deluxe... Galfetti n° 242a
Without title XVI
1967 Four original lithographs in five tons, making a single composition, one of the sheet bearing the number and a second one with the artist signature... Galfetti, Volume I, n° 150
La Cama
1975 Original etching in colors, signed in pencil by the artist. Editions La Polígrafa, Barcelona. Galfetti, Volume II, n° 510
Greeting cards from...
1973-1986 Two greeting cards, in-2, for the Maeght and Lelong galleries, Paris, for the years 1973 and 1986. Two original lithographs of the artist from 1972... Galfetti Vol. I n° 318 - Vol. III n° 1072
Catalogue Berggruen...
1963 Booklet for the exhibition « Antonio Tàpies Papiers et cartons » at the Galerie Berggruen in Paris in 1963. Foreword by Jacques Dupin, cover and... Without
Maeght Lelong...
1985 Original poster printed in lithograph for the exhibition of the artist at the Maeght Lelong Gallery, Paris. Galfetti, Volume III, n° 231
Nocturn Matinal,...
1970 Original lithograph, heightened with white wax pencil by the artist, and signed in pencil in lower right. Poligrafa Publisher, Barcelona. Galfetti n° 240a
DLM n° 210
1974 Issue "Derrière le Miroir". Text of Georges Raillard, illustrated with 4 original lithographs in black. Catalogue
DLM n°200
1972 Issue "Derrière le Miroir", "Objets et grands formats". Text by Jacques Dupin illustrated with 4 original lithographs in colors (in double page) and... Cat. Derrière le Miroir, 1946-1982, p. 85
Without title XV
1976 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, conceived for the catalogue of the artist retrospective exhibition "Tàpies" at the Fondation... Galfetti, Vol. II n° 641
DLM n° 234
1979 Issue "Derrière le Miroir". Text by Julio Cortazar, illustrated with 2 original lithographs in colors and 18 reproductions (in colors and in black... Cat. "Derrière le Miroir, 1946-1982", p. 102
La réalité en sa...
1968 Original etching, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the book "La réalité en sa totalité". Ed. Georges Fall, Paris. Galfetti, Vol. II n°339
1973 Scarf in silk (twill weave), designed by the artist. Adrien Maeght Publisher, Paris. Without
The most beautiful...
1975-1995 Original etching and carborundum, signed in pencil by the artist, realized, printed and signed in 1975 for the portfolio "Le plus beau cadeau" ("The... Nuria Homs n°1513
Art 6’75
1975 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist. Galfetti vol. II n° 516
Ovale rouge, noir
1984 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist. Galerie Lelong Ed., Paris. Galfetti vol. III n° 973
1981 Original etching and carborundum in two colors, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed Galerie Lelong, Paris. Galfetti n°787
DLM 168
1967 Issue "Derrière le Miroir". Texts by Michel Tapié and by Jacques Dupin. 7 original lithographs in colours (including the cover, one in triple page,... Without
1973 Original lithograph in association with the poet Jean Brossa, signed in pencil by the poet and the artist. Ed. Maeght, Paris, for the collection... Galfetti n° 351
DLM n° 210 -...
1974 Issue "Derrière le Miroir", in original folder and slipcase. A numbered copy from the Deluxe edition printed on Arches wove paper. Text by Georges... "Derrière le Miroir, 1946-1982", p. 90, Galfetti n° 408 and 409
DLM n° 180 -...
1969 Issue "Derrière le Miroir", in original folder and slipcase. A numbered copy from the Deluxe edition printed on Chiffon de Mandeure wove paper. Poem... "Derrière le Miroir, 1946-1982", p. 75, Galfetti n° 209
DLM n° 168 -...
1967 Issue "Derrière le Miroir", in original folder and slipcase. A numbered copy from the Deluxe edition printed on Lana wove paper. Texts by Michel... "Derrière le Miroir, 1946-1982", p. 69, Galfetti n° 139a to 144a and 145
DLM n° 234 -...
1979 Issue "Derrière le Miroir", in original folder and slipcase. A numbered copy from the Deluxe edition printed on Arches wove paper. Text by Julio... "Derrière le Miroir, 1946-1982", p. 102, Galfetti n° 730 and 731
DLM Deluxe n° 200
1972 Issue "Derrière le Miroir", in original folder and slipcase. A numbered copy from the Deluxe edition printed on Rives wove paper. Text by Jacques... "Derrière le Miroir, 1946-1982", p. 85, Galfetti n° 314 to 317
DLM n° 234
1979 Issue "Derrière le Miroir". Text by Julio Cortazar, illustrated with 2 original lithographs in colors and 18 reproductions (in colors and in black... Cat. "Derrière le Miroir, 1946-1982", p. 102
1992 Book in sheets. Text by José Angel Valente, with an original etching by Tàpies, in sheet, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Unes, Le Muy. N. Homs n°1368
La substance et les...
1991 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the suite of the book: "La substance et les accidents". Unes Ed., Le Muy. Galfetti, Volume IV, n°1331-1345
La substance et les...
1991 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the suite of the book: "La substance et les accidents". Unes Ed., Le Muy. Galfetti, Volume IV, n°1331-1345
La substance et les...
1991 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the suite of the book: "La substance et les accidents". Unes Ed., Le Muy. Galfetti, Volume IV, n°1331-1345
La substance et les...
1991 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the suite of the book: "La substance et les accidents". Unes Ed., Le Muy. Galfetti, Volume IV, n°1331-1345
La substance et les...
1991 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the suite of the book: "La substance et les accidents". Unes Ed., Le Muy. Galfetti, Volume IV, n°1331-1345
La substance et les...
1991 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the suite of the book: "La substance et les accidents". Unes Ed., Le Muy. Galfetti, Volume IV, n°1331-1345
La substance et les...
1991 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the suite of the book: "La substance et les accidents". Unes Ed., Le Muy. Galfetti, Volume IV, n°1331-1345
La substance et les...
1991 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the suite of the book: "La substance et les accidents". Unes Ed., Le Muy. Galfetti, Volume IV, n°1331-1345
La substance et les...
1991 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the suite of the book: "La substance et les accidents". Unes Ed., Le Muy. Galfetti, Volume IV, n°1331-1345
La substance et les...
1991 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the suite of the book: "La substance et les accidents". Unes Ed., Le Muy. Galfetti, Volume IV, n°1331-1345
La substance et les...
1991 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the suite of the book: "La substance et les accidents". Unes Ed., Le Muy. Galfetti, Volume IV, n°1331-1345
La substance et les...
1991 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the suite of the book: "La substance et les accidents". Unes Ed., Le Muy. Galfetti, Volume IV, n°1331-1345
La substance et les...
1991 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the suite of the book: "La substance et les accidents". Unes Ed., Le Muy. Galfetti, Volume IV, n°1331-1345
La substance et les...
1991 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the suite of the book: "La substance et les accidents". Unes Ed., Le Muy. Galfetti, Volume IV, n°1331-1345
La substance et les...
1991 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the suite of the book: "La substance et les accidents". Unes Ed., Le Muy. Galfetti, Volume IV, n°1331-1345
1987 Original etching, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the book "L'éclat" by José Angel Valente. Unes Ed., Le Muy. Galfetti, Volume IV, n°1166
Katalanische Lyrik
1987 Monograph with original box of edition, Deluxe copy enriched by a lithograph in sheet signed in pencil by the artist and presented in a folder. Page... Galfetti, Vol. IV n°1175
Ma i Ull
1986 Original etching, signed in pencil by the artist. Société de Belles-Lettres de Lausanne Ed., Genfs. Galfetti, Volume III, n°1084
Als mestres de...
1974 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the album "Als mestres de Catalunya". Ed. Sala Gaspar, Barcelona. Galfetti, Volume Ii, n°494
Olympic Centennial
1992 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the Portfolio "Olympic Centennial". Comité Olympic (COI) Ed., Barcelone. Galfetti, Vol. IV, n°1370
DLM n° 175
1968 Issue "Derrière le Miroir". Text by Pierre Volboudt, illustrated with 5 original lithographs in colors (2 in double page), with 3 original... Cat. "Derrière le Miroir, 1946-1982", p. 73
Without title XIII
1978 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, realized for the exhibition of the artist to the Museum of the Abbey Ste Croix. Galfetti Vol. II n°692
Without title XII
1968 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, illustrating the poem "Sonnet VII" of the book "Vingt-deux poèmes" by Jean Cassou. Erker... Galfetti n°175
Untitled XI
1970 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, from the book "Grafikmappe Hochschule St Gallen". Galfetti vol. I, n°136
Chemise de corps
1991 Original lithograph and embossing, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Gallery und Verlag Aras, Saulgau. Galfetti, Vol. IV n° 1310
DLM n°200
1972 Issue "Derrière le Miroir", "Objets et grands formats". Text by Jacques Dupin illustrated with 4 original lithographs in colors (in double page) and... Catalogue
1969 Original etching, with wisp of straw glued, lay down on grey paper. Maeght Edition, Paris. Galfetti vol. I, n°195
Matière et journal
1972 Original etching, on the bottom of printed newspaper, signed in pencil by the artist. Maeght Ed., Paris. Galfetti vol. I, n°325
DLM n° 253
1982 Issue "Derrière le Miroir". Texts by G. Raillard and by Jacques Dupin, illustrated with one original lithograph in colors on 3 pages and 13... Cat. "Derrière le Miroir, 1946-1982", p. 111
Paroles peintes IV
1970 Original etching in black, grey and beige, unsigned, extracted from the book "Paroles peintes IV". O. Lazar-Vernet Ed., Paris. Galfetti, vol. I n°236
1976 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Gallery Maeght, Paris. Galfetti Vol. II n°628
Poster before the...
1972 Original lithograph in 6 colors, signed by the artist. Ed. Maeght Gallery, Paris. Galfetti Vol. I n°320, ARTE affiches, Vol. II n°200
Without title X
1976 Original lithograph, signed in the plate. Maeght Publisher, Paris. Galfetti n°639
Als mestre de...
1974 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the album "Als mestre de Catalunya". Ed. Sala Gaspar, Barcelona. Galfetti n°488
Without title IX
1969 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Sala Gaspar, Barcelona. Galfeti n°225, Cat. Sala Gaspar (1970) n°014
1982 Original lithograph, unsigned, realized for the Deluxe copies of the issue "Derrière le Miroir" n°250. Gallery Lelong Publisher, Paris. Galfetti n°898
For Derrière le...
1982 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist. Lithograph realized for the Deluxe copies of the issue "Derrière le Miroir" n°253. Ed. Gallery... Galfetti Vol. III n°899
Encres et collages
1965 Original poster, realized in lithographic technique for the exhibition "Encres et collages" of the artist in the Gallery Maeght, Paris. Los Carteles de Tàpies n°12
Objets et grands...
1972 Original poster, realized in lithographic technique for the exhibition "Objets et grands formats" of the artist in the Gallery Maeght, Paris. Los Carteles de Tàpies n°27, Arte Affiches Vol. II n°200
Maeght 1967
1967 Original poster, realized in lithographic technique for the exhibition of the artist in the Gallery Maeght, Paris. Los Carteles de Tàpies n°8
1965 Painting on paper, lavis and wax pencil, signed lower right in pencil by the artist. Agusti, Vol. II n°1419
T tilted
1972 Original etching, carborundum, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Poligrafa, Barcelona. Galfetti Vol. I n°293
Un fragment de...
1984 Original etching, signed and dedicated in pencil by the artist, extracted from the portfolio"Un fragment de statue dans l'herbe d'un enclos encore... Galfetti Vol. III n°980
1984 Original print, resins and sugar on textures, signed and dedicated in pencil by the artist. Ed. Gallery Lelong, Paris. Galfetti Vol. III n°959
1972 Original etching heightened by hand, carborundum, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Poligrafa, Barcelona. Galfetti Vol. I n°298
Repertorio de Junio
1980 Original etching, signed in pencil by the artist. Galfetti Vol. III n°757
Suite de Campins III
1984 Original lithograph and varnish, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Gallery Antonio Machón, Madrid. Galfetti Vol. III n°1011
Erinnerungen, Plate...
1988 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the book "Erinnerungen". Erker-Presse Ed., St Gallen. Galfetti, volume IV, N°1236
Peu Roig
1983 Original etching, carborundum and collage, signed and dedicated in pencil by the artist. Ed. Graphos Ed., Vaduz. Galfetti Vol. III n°903
Erinnerungen, Plate...
1988 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the book "Erinnerungen". Erker-Presse Ed., St Gallen. Galfetti, volume IV, N°1234
15 years of graphic...
1979 Original lithograph signed in pencil by the artist, Ed. Poligrafa, Barcelona. Galfetti Vol. III n°732
Morning night
1970 Original lithograph signed in pencil by the artist. Poligrafa Ed., Barcelona. Galfetti Vol. I n°239 A
Erinnerungen, Plate...
1988 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the book "Erinnerungen". Erker-Presse Ed., St Gallen. Galfetti, volume IV, N°1235
Poster before the...
1967 Original lithograph signed in pencil by the artist, poster before the letter for the artist's exhibition at the Galerie Maeght, Paris. Galfetti Vol. I n°147
Erinnerungen, Plate...
1988 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the book "Erinnerungen". Erker-Presse Ed., St Gallen. Galfetti, volume IV, N°1233
1973 Original lithograph, unsigned. Illustrate Raymond Queneau's poem ("L'émir aux miroirs") for the book "L'émerveillé merveilleux". Ed. "Au Vent... Galfetti, Vol. II n° 374
Cinta roja
1979 Original etching and carborundum, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the book "U no és ningù". Ed. Poligrafa, Barcelona. Galfetti Vol. III n°725
Frégoli 9
1969 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Sala Gaspar, Barcelona. Galfetti Vol. I n°218
Blue bow
1974 Original etching and carborundum, signed in pencil by the artist. Poligrafa Ed., Barcelona. Galfetti Vol. I n°288
Without title VII
1986 Original lithograph, signed fin pencil by the artist, realized on the occasion of the exhibition " Tapiès. Sculptures. Paintings " in the Gallery... Galfetti Vol. III n°1086
Without title VI
1971 Original etching and mixed technique with powdered marble in gray-green, red pomegranate and black, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed Poligrafa,... Galfetti Vol. I n°250
Berlin-Suite II
1974 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the portfolio "Berlin-Suite". Ed. Propyläen Verlag, Berlin. Galfetti Vol. II n°480
Aparicions 6
1982 Original etching, aquatint and carborundum, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Poligrafa, Barcelona. Galfetti Vol. III n°892
Tapiès, Répliquer
1981 Etching and carborundum after Antoni Tapiès, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Galerie Maeght, Paris. Galfetti Vol. III n°820
El pa a la barca IV
1963 Original lithograph and collage, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Sala Gaspar, Barcelona. Galfetti Vol I, N°59
El pa a la barca III
1963 Original lithograph and collage, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Sala Gaspar, Barcelona. Galfetti Vol I, N°63
Fregoli 10
1969 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Sala Gaspar, Barcelona. Galfetti Vol. I n°219
Bois de cerfs
2004 Book in sheets, under publisher's original case. Poem by Salah Stétié, illustrated with two original etchings of Antoni Tapiés, each signed in... Without
El Pa a la Barca II
1963 Original lithograph on both sides, signed and numbered by the artist on both sides. Ed. Sala Gaspar, Barcelona. Galfetti Vol. I n°67
El Pa a la Barca I
1963 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Sala Gaspar, Barcelona. Galfetti Vol. I n°68
Brown door
1972 Original etching in carborundum, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Poligrafa, Barcelona. Galfetti Vol. I n°299
1987 Original etching and varnish, signed and dated in pencil by the artist. Not in Galfetti
1974 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the portfolio "Berlin-Suite". Ed. Propyläen Verlag, Berlin. Galfetti Vol. II n°484
Serie Negre I Roig,...
1976 Original etching with flocking and embossing, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Poligrafa, Barcelona. Galfetti Vol. II n°613
Claus I Ditades
1972 Original etching and carborundum, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Poligrafa, Barcelona. Galfetti Vol. I n°290
Mocador Lligat
1972 Original etching and carborundum, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Poligrafa, Barcelona. Galfetti Vol. I n°289
Creu i ics
1979 Original etching, aquatint and carborundum, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Poligrafa, Barcelona. Galfetti Vol. III n°712
Aparicions 5
1982 Original etching, signed in pencil by the artist. Galfetti Vol. III n°891
Poster before the...
1972 Original lithograph in 6 colors, signed by the artist. Ed. Maeght Gallery, Paris. Galfetti Vol. I n°320, ARTE affiches, Vol. II n°200
Air, planche 5
1971 Original lithograph signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the book "Air", Maeght Editeur, Paris. Galfetti n°256
Without title V
1971 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, conceived for the catalogue of the exhibition "Tapiès" at the Gallery Maeght in Zurich. Here... Galfetti Vol. I n°278
Without title IV
1992 Original lithograph in 2 colors (black and grey), signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the Portfolio "Suite Olympic Centennial". Comité... Galfetti, Vol. IV, n°1370
Without title Y
1968 Original etching, signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the book "La réalité en sa totalité". Ed. Georges Fall, Paris. Galfetti, Vol. I n°174
T inversé
1987 Original etching, signed in white pencil by the artist. Ed. Gallery Lelong, Paris. Homs Vol. IV n°1108, Cat. Lelong 1987 n°245
Le tableau
1970 Original etching, signed in pencil by the artist. Maeght Publisher, Paris. Galfetti n°229
Suite 63x90, plate...
1980 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist. Plate VII of the "Suite 63x90", printed and published by Erker Presse, St. Gallen. Galfetti n°773
1987 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist. Unknown
Petjada i signatures
1982 Original etching and aquatint, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Poligrafa, Barcelona. Galfetti n°850
1975 Original etching, signed in pencil by the artist. Gallery Maeght Publisher, Paris. Galfetti n°498
Four crosses
1969 Original etching, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Maeght Gallery, Paris. Galfetti n°200
Hands prints
1970 original etching, signed and dedicated (to his friend Carlos Franqui)in pencil by the artist. An essay proof from the first state in black, before... Galfetti, Vol. I, n°230
A.L. Exhibition...
1983 Original lithograph in colors, signed in pencil by the artist, conceived for the poster of the Tapiès exhibition at the Gallery Lelong (Fiac 1983). Galfetti, Vol. III, n°924
Arc i creu
1982 Original etching, aquatint, soft varnish, signed in pencil by the artist. Poligrafa Ed., Barcelona. Galfetti, Vol. III, n°846
Aparicions 8
1982 Original etching with relief, signed in pencil by the artist. Galfetti n°894
Llambrec material
1975 Original lithograph signed in pencil by the artist, extracted from the book "Llambrec material". Poligrafica Ed., Barcelona. Galfetti, Vol. II, n°540
1990 Original etching and aquatint, eightened with acrylic and signed in pencil by the artist. Without
1982 Original etching, resins, signed in pencil by the artist. Gallery Lelong Publisher, Paris. Galfetti n°833
Without title III
1978 Original lithograph, signed in pencil by the artist, from the edition with great margins of the lithography designed for the catalog of the ?Tapiès?... Galfetti n°707
El péndulo inmovil
1982 Original etching, signed and dedicated in pencil by the artist, realized for the book "El péndulo inmovil". Ed. Editart-D Blanco, Geneva. Galfetti n°886
Without title II
1966 Original lithograph signed in pencil by the artist. Das Kunstwerk Ed., Baden-Baden. Galfetti Vol. I n°138
La S
1978 Original etching, embossing, signed in pencil by the artist. Grafos Ed., Vaduz. Galfetti Vol. II n°683
Paroles peintes IV
1970 Original etching in black, grey and beige, signed in pencil, extracted from the suite of the book "Paroles peintes IV". O. Lazar-Vernet Ed., Paris. Galfetti, vol. I n°236
The bed
1969 Original etching in black and brown, signed in pencil by the artist. Ed. Maeght, Paris. Galfetti Vol. I n°205
Without title
1962 Original lithograph in 4 colors, signed in pencil. Ed. Kestner-Gesellschaft, Hanover. Galfetti Vol. I n°74
1982 Original etching, aquatinte, signed in pencil. Ed. Maeght, Barcelona. Galfeti Vol. III n°838
T reversed
1987 Original etching, aquaforte, signed in white pencil. Title : T inversé. Cat. Lelong 1987 n°245
Matière et journal
1972 Original etching, aquaforte on the bottom of printed newspaper, signed in pencil. Maeght Ed., Paris. Galfetti vol. I, n°325
Poster before the...
1972 Original lithograph in 6 colors, signed by the artist. Ed. Maeght Gallery, Paris. Galfetti Vol. I n°320, ARTE affiches, Vol. II n°200
Football world cup,...
1982 Original lithograph, poster before the letter, signed in pencil, extracted from the portfolio "Copa del mundo de Fútbol" joining together signed... Galfetti Vol. III n°874, Maeght Editeur Affiches 1989 n°2203
Serp i creu
1989 Original etching, signed in pencil. Not in Galfeti
Poster before the...
1967 Original lithograph, signed in pencil. Maeght Ed., Paris. Galfetti n° 147
DLM n° 253
1982 Issue "Derrière le Miroir". Texts by G. Raillard and by Jacques Dupin, illustrated with one original lithograph in colors on 3 pages and 13... Cat. "Derrière le Miroir, 1946-1982", p. 111
DLM n° 234
1979 Issue "Derrière le Miroir". Text by Julio Cortazar, illustrated with 2 original lithographs in colors and 18 reproductions (in colors and in black... Cat. "Derrière le Miroir, 1946-1982", p. 102
Double dépendance...
1984 Original etching, aquaforte and "craquelé", signed in pencil. Extracted from the book "Dans la double dépendance du dit". Ed. Fata Morgana,... Erker Vol. III, n° 985
Double dépendance I
1984 Original etching, aquaforte and "craquelé", signed in pencil. Extracted from the book "Dans la double dépendance du dit". Ed. Fata Morgana,... Erker Vol. III, n° 983
1973 Original lithograph, unsigned. Published by Ed. "Au Vent d'Arles", Paris. Galfetti, Vol. II n° 374
1973 Original lithograph, unsigned. Published by Ed. "Au Vent d'Arles", Paris. Galfetti, Vol. II n° 374
DLM n° 210
1974 Issue "Derrière le Miroir". Text of Georges Raillard, illustrated with 4 original lithographs in black. Catalogue
Bois des cerfs I
2003 Original etching in colors, signed in pencil. Not indexed yet
The king of the...
1986 Original etching, signed in pencil, extracted from the suite "El rei de la màgia". Ed. Tristan Barberà, Figueres Galfetti, Vol. III, n° 1083
The Eight
1969 Original etching, aquaforte in black and Sienne, signed in pencil. Ed. Maeght, Paris Galfetti, Vol. I, n°202
Matter and Graffiti
1969 Original etching, aquaforte in black and white, signed in pencil. Ed. Maeght, Paris Galfetti, vol. n°191
ça suit son cours
1975 Original etching, aquaforte, signed in pencil, extracted from the suite on great margins of the book "ça suit son cours", E. Jabès, Ed. Fata... Galfetti II n°524
1993 Original woodcut, signed and numbered in pencil. Not indexed yet in Galfetti
Paroles Peintes V
1975 Original etching, signed in white pencil in lower left Galfetti Vol II n° 519
Red, black oval
1984 Original lithograph, signed in pencil. Galfetti vol. III n° 973
Art 6’75
1975 Original lithograph, signed in pencil. Galfetti vol. II n° 516
Night morning
1970 Original lithograph, signed in pencil from the suite of « Nocturne Matinale ». Galfetti vol. I n° 241
The horizon
1973 Original lithograph, signed in pencil. Galfetti vol. II n° 375
1984 Original etching (aquaforte and carborundum), signed in pencil, printed on Arches wove paper. Galerie Lelong Galfetti, Volume III n° 944
Retornos... vivo...
1977 Retornos de lo vivo lejano. Original lithograph, signed in pencil. Galfetti Vol II n° 677
1973 Original lithograph, signed in pencil. Galfetti Vol. II n° 374Catalogue(s) raisonné(s)
Catalogue(s) raisonné(s)
Bibliographic track & more
To read about the artist :
- « Antoni Tàpies », L. Alloway, Solomon, Guggenheim Museum, New York, 1962
- « Tàpies », G. Raillart, Ed Maeght, Paris, 1976
- « Tàpies », L. Permanyer, Cercle d’Art, Paris, 1986
- « Conversations, Antoni Tàpies », Barbara Catoir, Ed. Cercle d'art, 1988
- « Tàpies : Œuvres 1945-1968 », Michel Tapié, Ed. Celiv, 1990
- « Tapies, la substance et les accidents», Jean Frémon, Ed. Unes, 1991
- « Tàpies », A. Franske, Cercle d’Art, Paris, 1993
- « Tàpies ou la poétique de la matière », Jean Frémon et autres, Ed. BNF, 2001
- « A corps perdu », Jean-Louis Andral, in Empreintes, Ed. Mille Sources, 2004
- « Antoni Tàpies », Jeremy Roe, Ed. Parkstone, 2006
To read from the artist :
- « La Pratique de l'Art », Ed. Gallimard, 1994
- « Oeuvres - Ecrits - Entretiens », Youssef Ishaghpour, Ed. Hazan, 2006
Website :
www.fundaciotapies.comMore :
Stamp by Antoni Tàpies
The publication of a postal stamp is often a homage paid by a nation to a place, an event, a remarkable cause or a character which count. The painters and other artists do not escape from this rule. Some are however "forgotten" of postal art. Here, gathered below (French or foreign), emitted stamps (206) or simple studies of stamp (224) in homage to the artists represented on our website. The first French stamp was emitted in 1849, England preceded us by ten years. There is often a share of voyage in this small form of shape paper. The stamp circulates, sails, flies away, it makes dream, then dream a little. M.C.
When the stamp is really emitted, the artist name is preceded of an asterisk (*).
It is certain that we do not know each stamp emitted for such or such artist; do not hesitate with us to make known them!
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Artists' viewpoints
« To better know how to love, you must first hate the enemy with even greater force. » Antoni Tapiès
A tribute to Antoni Tàpies
Considéré comme l'un des artistes espagnols les plus en vue du XXe siècle, l'artiste catalan Antoni Tàpies i Puig est mort le 6 février 2012 à Barcelone, ville où il était né près de 90 ans auparavant. Sui-vant sa volonté, après avoir reposé la veille au salon funéraire Sant Gervasi, il a été incinéré dans la plus stricte intimité au Crematorium de Collserola à Barcelone. Il avait explicitement demandé que cette cérémonie soit organisée avec la plus grande simplicité. En son hommage, avec respect, cette rose noire.
"Mon illusion est d'avoir quelque chose à transmettre. Si je ne peux pas changer le monde, je désire au moins changer la manière dont les gens le regardent." - Antoni Tàpies
"Pour penser l'art ou quoi que ce soit, le mieux sera toujours de nous tourner vers lui avec la pureté même de celui qui chaque matin découvre un monde nouveau. " - Antoni Tàpies
"Il faut que chacun élève sa propre activité au rang d’œuvre d’art et que toutes les professions acquiè-rent la dimension spirituelle de l’art." - Antoni Tàpies
"Les japonais savent fort bien que pour qu’un objet d’art remplisse sa fonction, il doit être entouré d’un certain mystère respectueux (…) Il faut disposer l’objet d’art sur une sorte d’autel." - Antoni Tàpies
"Sans choc, il ne peut y avoir d’art." - Antoni Tàpies
"Peindre, c’est aussi créer la réalité." - Antoni Tàpies
Mouvements de l'art
- + LYRIC ART, ABSTRACT, TACHISM / 1950-1960 / Jackson Pollock, Emil Schumacher, etc.
Valuation - Brokerage
If you wish to offer an artwork by this artist or get an appraisal, please feel free to contact us.