Sandrine Richard, very early, tries hard to show her work. She is involved in many collective exhibitions on the French Riviera (Vence, Valbonne, Cannes, Toulon, Nice, Fréjus, Saint Tropez, etc) and luckily some others exhibitions are only about her artwork (Cannes, Théoule, etc). Her first works can be disturbing. She tries to express sensuality and life power. Her works convey human loneliness, soul darknesses, buried fears inside bodies. Isn't it one way to exorcize our own invisible dark side or to manage to get rid of our own chains? That way, Sandrine Richard also wants to explore love, sex and human beauty.
Her pictorial tastes are precise. Among others, she mentions Otto Dix, Munch, Balthus, Alberto Giacometti, Nicolas de Staël, Francis Bacon - some of her works are a tribute to him -, Jean Rustin, Lucian Freud, Schiele or else Ernest Pignon-Ernest.
"It's not a question of showing what's invisible but rather it's trying to incorporate the resonance of our intimate life and to carry it as flag of legitimate freedom" writes A. de Curtyl in a paper about the artist. Sandrine Richard talks about this inner space that operates in each one of us with more or less strength. "I am throwing in my work the strength of my feelings"
At the same time, in addition to her work as a painter that waves between figuration and abstraction, she evolves and works in the photographic world. Today, she lives and works in Cannes. Wish her all the best!