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Catalogues raisonnés - Complete works

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The complete works

As often when working in an art gallery, catalogues raisonnes become must-have books in the world of original prints. They are absolute reference books on each artist, for a given period or for the whole artist’s artwork. They have a special place on an art lovers’ shelves and any artist collector. The catalogue raisonne aims at identifying all the artist works by indicating their title, their size, the mounting quality and the technique used to create the work. In the field of original prints, runs, numbering, work publisher and often the printing-house will also be found. The catalogue raisonne will allow the original print to be positioned in the artist’s path (or career), to assess its importance and to avoid fake prints (one example among others: a print that has not been signed) The catalogue raisonne must be as detailed as possible which forces the author to publish one or more supplements. Likewise, for certain artists universally recognized, such catalogues are incomplete or to date are simply missing ; in both cases it is sometimes possible to refer to major exhibitions catalogs when they have been abundantly illustrated. You will find below the comprehensive and constantly growing list of the 612 catalogues raisonnes currently present in our gallery, a bibliography built over numerous years and made available to you (at your disposal).These books are not for sale.

List of the catalogsby artist

When the catalogue raisonne of an artist consists of several volumes, we have sometimes deliberately chosen to display just one of the covers. We also made the choice to put forward works more specifically related to the world of print.

Sorry this section is only available in french for now.

  • A
    Adam Henri-Georges

    Adnan Etel

    Afonso Nadir

    "Obra Gravada",
    Aillaud Gilles

    Alberola Jean-Michel

    Albers Josef

    Albers Anni

    Alechinsky Pierre

    Alligand Bernard

    Amiet Cuno

    Antes Horst

    Appel Karel

    "The complete sculptures 1936-1990",

    Arp Hans

    Arroyo Eduardo

    Asse Geneviève

    Atlan J-Michel

    Avati Mario

  • B
    Bacon Francis

    Baj Enrico

    Baldessari John

    Barnet Will

    Basaldella Afro

    "Oeuvres 1932-1947",
    Baselitz Georg

    Baumeister Willi

    Bazaine Jean

    Beauverie Charles

    Beckmann Max

    Belgeonne Gabriel

    Bellmer Hans

    Bergman Anna-Eva

    Bernard Emile

    Bertemes Roger

    Beuys Joseph

    Bill Max

    Bille Ejler

    Bissière Roger

    Bo Lars

    Boccioni Umberto

    Boni Paolo

    Bonnard Pierre

    Boullaire Jacques

    Boumeester Christine

    Braque Georges

    Brasilier André

    Brauner Victor

    Brown James

    Bryen Camille

    Buchholz Wolff

    Buffet Bernard

    Burri Alberto

    Bury Pol

    "Les sculptures",
  • C
    Campigli Massimo

    Capogrossi Giuseppe

    Cargaleiro Manuel

    Carzou Jean

    Cassatt Mary

    Cassigneul Jean-Pierre

    Castellani Enrico

    Caulfield Patrick

    Cayol Pierre

    Celan-Lestrange Gisèle

    César Baldaccini

    Chagall Marc

    "Im Spiegel Seiner Plakate, 1959-1983", "Les Céramiques et sculptures",
    Chahine Edgar

    Chaissac Gaston

    Chéret Jules

    Chillida Eduardo


    Chubac Albert

    Claudel Camille

    "L'oeuvre sculpté, peint, dessiné et gravé",
    Clauzel Jacques

    Clavé Antoni

    Cocteau Jean

    Coignard James


    Collin Pierre

    Constant Anton Nie Wenhuis

    Corneille Guillaume

    Coudrain Brigitte

    Courtin Pierre

    Cuttoli Marie

  • D
    Dali Salvador

    Danielis Massimo

    Davis Stuart

    De Almeida David

    "Gravura em retrospectiva",
    De Chirico Giorgio

    De Kooning Willem

    De la Bourdonnaye Alain

    De Staël Nicolas

    "L’oeuvre gravé", "L’oeuvre peint",
    Debré Olivier

    Degas Edgar

    Delaunay Robert

    Delaunay Sonia

    Delvaux Paul

    Denis Maurice

    Deyrolle Jean

    "L'oeuvre peint, 1944-1967",
    Di Rosa Hervé

    "Les estampes de Hervé Di Rosa, 1981-1996",
    Dine Jim

    Disler Martin

    Domela César

    Dorazio Piero

    Dorny Bertrand

    Dotremont Christian

    Doucet Jacques

    Drouart Raphaël

    Dubuffet Jean

    Duchamp Marcel

    Dunoyer de Ségonzac André

    Dürer Albrecht

    Dussau Georges

  • E
    Ensor James

    Equipo Cronica

    Erni Hans

    Ernst Max

    Erro Guomundur

    Escher Maurits Cornelius

    Esteve Maurice

    "L'oeuvre peint",
  • F
    Fautrier Jean

    Favier Philippe

    Fenosa Apelles

    Folon Jean-Michel

    Fontana Lucio

    Foujita Léonard

    Francis Sam

    Frankenthaler Helen

    Freddie Wilhelm

    "Det grafiske vaerk",
    Frélaut Jean

    Freud Lucian

    Friedlaender Johnny

    Frink Elisabeth

    Fruhtrunk Gunter

  • G
    Gabo Naum

    Gargallo Pablo

    "L'oeuvre complet",
    Gauguin Paul

    Giacometti Alberto

    Gilot Françoise

    Gleizes Albert

    "L'oeuvre complet",
    Gnoli Domenico

    Goetz Henri

    Gonzalez Julio

    Goya Francisco

    Groborne Robert

    Gromaire Marcel

    Grosz George

  • H
    Haass Terry

    Hajdu Etienne

    Hamilton Richard

    Haring Keith

    Hartung Hans

    Hasegawa Soichi

    Hasegawa Kiyoshi

    Hayter Stanley-William

    Hecht Joseph

    Heckel Erich

    Hémery Pascale

    Hepworth Barbara

    "The sculpture 1960-69",
    Herbin Auguste

    Hernandez Pijuan Joan

    Hiroshi Yoshida

    Hockney David