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Stamp by Wassily Kandinsky
The publication of a postal stamp is often a homage paid by a nation to a place, an event, a remarkable cause or a character which count. The painters and other artists do not escape from this rule. Some are however "forgotten" of postal art. Here, gathered below (French or foreign), emitted stamps (206) or simple studies of stamp (224) in homage to the artists represented on our website. The first French stamp was emitted in 1849, England preceded us by ten years. There is often a share of voyage in this small form of shape paper. The stamp circulates, sails, flies away, it makes dream, then dream a little. M.C.
When the stamp is really emitted, the artist name is preceded of an asterisk (*).
It is certain that we do not know each stamp emitted for such or such artist; do not hesitate with us to make known them!
Discover all the stampsHandwritten page "Blaue Reiter"
Document in reproduction / This document is not for sale
A tribute to Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky s’était s'installé à Paris en 1933 et ne devait plus jamais en partir. Victime d’une artériosclérose, il venait, quelques jours auparavant, d’avoir 78 ans lorsqu’il s’éteint le 13 décembre 1944 à Neuilly-sur-Seine. Lors de la cérémonie orthodoxe qui suivit, Nicolas de Staël et André Lanskoy s'alongèrent sur le sol de l'église, face contre terre, les bras en croix. Le père de l’abstraction repose dans le cimetière de Neuilly (92). En hommage à sa mémoire, nous déposons sur sa tombe la fleur du lantana pour qu’elle essaime un parterre de couleurs.
"Nous voudrions accomplir le déplacement du centre de gravité, montrer comment le voeu intérieur (der innere Wünsch) de l'artiste se manifeste dans la diversité formelle." - Wassily Kandinsky
"Mon idéal serait de construire la gamme et le système d'accords dont la pensée en général serait la musique. La couleur est le clavier, les yeux sont les harmonies, l'âme est le piano avec de nombreuses cordes. L'artiste est la main qui joue, touchant une clef ou une autre, pour produire des vibrations dans l'âme." - Wassily Kandinsky
"Le propos de Kandinsky est d'énoncer ce qui lui paraît être des "données immédiates de la conscience esthétique". Il définit un absolu." - André Chastel
"La forme n'est pour moi qu'un moyen d'atteindre le but et si je m'occupe en théorie aussi avec tant de minutie et si abondamment de la forme, c'est que je veux pénétrer à l'intérieur de la forme. Balances et proportions ne se trouvent pas en dehors de l'artiste mais en lui." - Wassily Kandinsky
"L'art est notre religion." - Wassily Kandinsky
"L'art compose des constellations, où s'inscrit toujours le cavalier, même et surtout s'il est devenu cercle et spirale ; "Il éveille le soleil qui est en moi, il est immortel" disait W. Kandinsky." - André Chastel
Notes of biography
Of a well-to-do and cultivated family, Vassily Kandinsky was born in Moscow in 1866. He followed studies of law and economics at the University of Moscow entering in the studio of Anton Azbé, then at the Academy of Fine Arts of Munich in 1896. His first solo exhibition takes place in 1903. Wassily Kandinsky is co-founder, in 1901, of the group Die Phalanx, of the New Association of the artists of Munich (1909-1911), and the Blaue Reiter (Cavalier bleu, 1911-1914, with Franz Marc and the German expressionists).
From 1902 to 1915, he lives with the painter Bariele Munter. Until 1909, Kandinsky paints the countryside, views of Moscow, producing wood etchings. His first works are of a naturalist essence, however through his different trips to Europe and his stay in Paris from 1906-1907; he discovers other avenues through the work of Cézanne, Matisse and Picasso. From 1909, the artist works with color through its own power of expression, and makes objects disappear on the canvas; he produces, in 1910, his first ‘Abstract Watercolors’, then, the following year, his first abstract paintings. He thus becomes a great initator and theorist of abstractions, utilizing forms that painting borrows from nature.
Returning to Moscow in 1914, Kandinsky becomes a member, after the October Revolution, of the Commissary of the People of Instruction of the Section of Plastic Arts, teaching art at the free studios (Svomas), before becoming director at the Inkhouk and the museum of Pictorial Culture (1920-1921). In disagreement with the constructivists, Kandinsky leaves to teach at the Bauhaus in 1922. The Bauhaus made it possible, in Kandinsky’s eyes, to render his utopian project to reconstruct the world under a spiritual sign. From 1922, Kandinsky is said to have penetrated into the interior of form, not borrowing from nature and representing ‘not only exterior aspects of an object, but constructive elements, laws of tension’. Kandinsky introduces into his work a ‘lyrical geometric’ where signs become symbols. In 1924, he is co-founder of the ‘Quatre Bleus’ group.
He immigrates to Paris in 1933, on the arrival of the Nazi’s and acquires French nationality in 1939. His canvases are removed from German museums in 1937. Wassily Kandinsky, father of abstraction and for-runner of abstract expressionism, died in Neuilly-sur-Seine in 1944.
Artists on display
The art and the artists display: proclamations, galleries, museums, personal or collective exhibitions. On walls or in shop windows, wise or rebels, posters warn, argue, show. Some were specially conceived by an artist for such or such event, other, colder, have only the letter.
Some were created in lithographic technic, most are simple offset reproductions. They are many those who like collecting these rectangles of paper, monochrome or in games of colours, in matt paper or brilliant, with many words or almost dumb.
We are happy also to be able to greet, by this pages, mythical galleries as those of Denise René, Louis Carré, Claude Bernard, Berheim Jeune, Maeght, Pierre Loeb and others.
Complete work(s)
Complete work(s)
*« Kandinsky, das graphische Werk », H. K. Roethel, DuMont Schauberg Verlag, Cologne, 1970 *« Kandinsky, C. R. of the oil paintings 1900-1915 et 1916-1944, 2 Vol., H. K. Rorthel et J. K. Benjamin, Sotheby’s Publications, 1982-1983 *« Kandinsky, watercolours, 1900-1921 et 1922-1944, 2 Vol., Barnett et V. Endicott, Sotheby’s Publications (Londres) et Ed. Electra (Milan), 1991-1992Bibliographic track and more
To read about the artist :
- « Kandinsky, Bauhaus de Dessau 1927-1933 » W. Haftmann, Maeght, Paris 1965
- « Oeuvres de Kandinsky », C. Derouet et J. Boissel, Centre G. Pompidou, 1984
- « Regards sur le passé et autres textes », Jean-Paul Bouillon, Ed. Hermann, 1990
- « Kandinsky, philosophie de l’abstraction », P. Sers, Ed. Skira, Paris, 1995
- « Kandinsky - Rétrospective », cat., Ed. Fondation Maeght, 2001
- « Kandinsky. Sa vie », B. Hermann, Ed. Hazan, 2009
- « Comprendre Kandinsky », P. Sers, coll. Archigraphy, Ed. Infolio, 2009
- « Kandinsky », collectif, cat., Ed. Centre G. Pompidou, Paris, 2009
- « La Bande du Bauhaus. Six maîtres du modernisme », N. Fox Weber, Ed. Fayard, 2015
- « Kandinsky - Les années parisiennes », collectif, cat., Ed. Musée de Grenoble, 2016
To read from the artist :
- « Du spirituel dans l’art et ... », coll. folio-essais, Ed. Denoël, 1989
- « Les écrits russes de K. (1901-1911) », O. Medvedkova, Les Presses du Réel, 2014
Website : :
Stamp by Wassily Kandinsky
The publication of a postal stamp is often a homage paid by a nation to a place, an event, a remarkable cause or a character which count. The painters and other artists do not escape from this rule. Some are however "forgotten" of postal art. Here, gathered below (French or foreign), emitted stamps (206) or simple studies of stamp (224) in homage to the artists represented on our website. The first French stamp was emitted in 1849, England preceded us by ten years. There is often a share of voyage in this small form of shape paper. The stamp circulates, sails, flies away, it makes dream, then dream a little. M.C.
When the stamp is really emitted, the artist name is preceded of an asterisk (*).
It is certain that we do not know each stamp emitted for such or such artist; do not hesitate with us to make known them!
Discover all the stampsHandwritten page "Blaue Reiter"
Document in reproduction / This document is not for sale
A tribute to Wassily Kandinsky
Wassily Kandinsky s’était s'installé à Paris en 1933 et ne devait plus jamais en partir. Victime d’une artériosclérose, il venait, quelques jours auparavant, d’avoir 78 ans lorsqu’il s’éteint le 13 décembre 1944 à Neuilly-sur-Seine. Lors de la cérémonie orthodoxe qui suivit, Nicolas de Staël et André Lanskoy s'alongèrent sur le sol de l'église, face contre terre, les bras en croix. Le père de l’abstraction repose dans le cimetière de Neuilly (92). En hommage à sa mémoire, nous déposons sur sa tombe la fleur du lantana pour qu’elle essaime un parterre de couleurs.
"Nous voudrions accomplir le déplacement du centre de gravité, montrer comment le voeu intérieur (der innere Wünsch) de l'artiste se manifeste dans la diversité formelle." - Wassily Kandinsky
"Mon idéal serait de construire la gamme et le système d'accords dont la pensée en général serait la musique. La couleur est le clavier, les yeux sont les harmonies, l'âme est le piano avec de nombreuses cordes. L'artiste est la main qui joue, touchant une clef ou une autre, pour produire des vibrations dans l'âme." - Wassily Kandinsky
"Le propos de Kandinsky est d'énoncer ce qui lui paraît être des "données immédiates de la conscience esthétique". Il définit un absolu." - André Chastel
"La forme n'est pour moi qu'un moyen d'atteindre le but et si je m'occupe en théorie aussi avec tant de minutie et si abondamment de la forme, c'est que je veux pénétrer à l'intérieur de la forme. Balances et proportions ne se trouvent pas en dehors de l'artiste mais en lui." - Wassily Kandinsky
"L'art est notre religion." - Wassily Kandinsky
"L'art compose des constellations, où s'inscrit toujours le cavalier, même et surtout s'il est devenu cercle et spirale ; "Il éveille le soleil qui est en moi, il est immortel" disait W. Kandinsky." - André Chastel
Art movements
+ BAUHAUS / 1919-1933 / Lyonel Feininger, Johannes Itten, Vassili Kandinsky, Paul Klee, Gerhard Marcks, Georg Muche, Oskar Schlemmer, etc.
All art movements
See & discover
Beyond works currently in stock, it seemed to me useful to combine business with pleasure by letting you discover others works by artists in my gallery. These artworks, now sold or removed from our website, have been in our stock in the past.
These pages will undoubtedly make it possible for some of you to associate an image with its title or the other way round, for others it will be a good time to discover more on such and such artist. For the sake of confidentiality – the pieces being no longer available – we won't display neither their numbering or their price. For whatever reason, make sure to visit this amazing art database with to date 6441 online works just for your pleasure! Michelle Champetier