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Juan Gris

"Each era has influenced its pictorial elements by its preoccupations."


Notes of biography

José Victoriano González, who later becomes Juan Gris, was born in Madrid in 1887. He abandons his prior engineering studies, to begin in 1904 his studies at the School of Art and Manufacture of Madrid, and devotes himself to painting. His first works are inspired by the ‘Jugendstil’ (current German Art Nouveau) that the of the art world of Madrid perceives as a major art movement.
Juan Gris is 18 years old when he moves to Paris in 1906 and quickly, after living in a hotel in Montmartre, moves to a studio in Bateau-Lavoir. Pablo Picasso is a close neighbour! The artist will, at the beginning, earn his living from making important illustrations for famous French revues (L’assiette au beurre, Charivari, The Cry of Paris, etc.) and Spanish revues. He produces more than 700 drawings for the press; most are often humorous or satirical. On his arrival in France, Juan Gris paints, but he devotes himself completely to painting from 1911.
Gris is very impressed by the cubist works of Braque and Picasso who quickly becomes friends with them; he will start will enthusiasm in cubism, all in giving a dimension more intellectual and constructive in his works. Juan Gris will guard in effect a style that remains his own, founded on the rigorous, almost geometrical compositions and giving evidence to strictness in his representation of objects. Juan Gris sculpts, makes collages, illustrates works of poets (Pierre Reverdy, Tristan Tzara, etc.). In 1912, Juan Gris participates in the Salon des Indépendants with the canvas ‘Hommage to Picasso’; Guillaume Apollinaire characterizes the work ‘The expression of integral cubism’. The same year he participates in the cubist exhibition at the Dalmau Galleries in Barcelona, then the exhibition of the Gold Section at La Béotie Gallery in Paris.
In 1913 the artist signs a contract with the merchant of the art of Henri Kahnweiler. He becomes friends with Henri Matisse in 1914. After the First World War, the art of Juan Gris identifies the tenants of the New Espirit and the purist movement (Le Corbusier, Amédée Ozenfant).
In 1922, the painter designs the theatre set and costumes for the Russian ballets of Diaghilev. In 1923, important exhibitions of his work are organized at the Simon Gallery in Paris and at the Flechtheim Gallery in Berlin; this last gallery exhibits his work again 2 years later in Dusseldorf. He is renowned internationally.
The health of the artist rapidly declines. A victim of uraemia, Juan Gris is only 40 when he dies brutally in 1927 in Boulogne/Seine.

Artists on display

The art and the artists display: proclamations, galleries, museums, personal or collective exhibitions. On walls or in shop windows, wise or rebels, posters warn, argue, show. Some were specially conceived by an artist for such or such event, other, colder, have only the letter.

Some were created in lithographic technic, most are simple offset reproductions. They are many those who like collecting these rectangles of paper, monochrome or in games of colours, in matt paper or brilliant, with many words or almost dumb.

We are happy also to be able to greet, by this pages, mythical galleries as those of Denise René, Louis Carré, Claude Bernard, Berheim Jeune, Maeght, Pierre Loeb and others.


Complete work(s)

Complete work(s)
*« Juan Gris, l’œuvre peint », D. Cooper et autres, 2 volumes, Ed. Berggruen, Paris, 1977 *« Juan Gris, dessinateur de presse, 1904-1912. De Madrid à Montmartre », R. Bachollet, Ed. El Viso, Madrid, 2003. All the complete works

Bibliographic track and more

To read about the artist :
  • « Juan Gris », G. Waldemar, coll. Peintres Nouveaux, Ed. Gallimard, Paris, 1931
  • « Juan Gris, un peintre cubiste », J. A. Gaya Nuno, Ed. Poligrafa, 1984
  • « J. G. », J. A. Gaya Nuno, Grands Maîtres de l'A. C., Ed. Albin Michel, 1985
  • « J.G., sa vie, son œuvre, ses écrits », D.-H. Kahnweiler, Ed. Gallimard, 1991
  • « Juan Gris - Peintures et dessins », auteurs collectifs, Ed. Musées de Marseille, 1999
  • « Juan Gris », C. Derouet, Ed. Centre G. Pompidou, Paris, 1999
  • « Juan Gris - 100 œuvres sur papier », cat., Ed. Galerie Louise Leiris, Paris, 2001
  • « Juan Gris », Claude Mollard, Ed. Cercle d'Art, 2006
  • « J. G. : Rimes de la forme et de la couleur », C. Laroche et autres, Beaux Arts Ed., 2011
  • « Cubisme », A. Gantefuhrer-Trier, coll. Basic Art, Ed. Taschen, 2015
To read from the artist :
  • « Les possibilités de la peinture », conférence-lecture, Sorbonne, Paris, 1924
  • « Ecrits », coll. La petite classique, Ed. de la Nerthe, 2014
Website :
No website dedicated to the artist.

More :

Art movements

+ CUBISM / 1907-1925 / Robert Delaunay, Marcel Duchamp, Charles Dufresne, Jacques Lipchitz, Jean Metzinger, etc.
+ PURISM / 1920-1927 / Marcelle Cahn, Otto Gustav Carlsund, etc.
All art movements

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