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Stamp by Amédée Ozenfant
fictional stamp
The publication of a postal stamp is often a homage paid by a nation to a place, an event, a remarkable cause or a character which count. The painters and other artists do not escape from this rule. Some are however "forgotten" of postal art. Here, gathered below (French or foreign), emitted stamps (206) or simple studies of stamp (224) in homage to the artists represented on our website. The first French stamp was emitted in 1849, England preceded us by ten years. There is often a share of voyage in this small form of shape paper. The stamp circulates, sails, flies away, it makes dream, then dream a little. M.C.
When the stamp is really emitted, the artist name is preceded of an asterisk (*).
It is certain that we do not know each stamp emitted for such or such artist; do not hesitate with us to make known them!
Discover all the stampsDedicated book by the artist
Michelle Champetier Collection / This document is not for sale
A tribute to Amédée Ozenfant
Il allait avoir 80 ans. Le peintre et théoricien de l'art Amédée Ozenfant est mort à l'hôpital des Broussailles de Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes) le 4 mai 1966, ville où, après son retour des Etats-Unis, il s'était installé en 1955. Après ses obsèques à l'Eglise du Prado (Cannes), l'artiste sera inhumée quelques jours plus tard dans le cimetière Saint Jean de Saint-Quentin (Aisne), sa ville de naissance. Avec respect, nous déposons ici une fleur de lilas.
"L'art est avant tout dans la conception. La technique n'est qu'un outil, humblement au service de la conception. Le purisme ne croit pas que retourner à la nature signifie retourner à la copie de la nature. " - Le Corbusier et Amédée Ozenfant
"Dès son origine, j'avais refusé de limiter le purisme à une esthétique : je voulais que ce soit non pas une façon de faire mais une façon de penser et de sentir, en somme une philosophie, un esprit : un Esprit nouveau." - Amédée Ozenfant
"Notre présent est souvent fait de la lente intégration de notre passé." - Amédée Ozenfant
"Par son ouvrage « Foundations of Modern Art », Ozenfant a apporté une contribution essentielle à la culture moderne et à sa compréhension." - Lewis Mumford
"Ozenfant eut un caractère souple et ouvert. Elle lui confère une position de relais entre les avant-gardes passées et la création d'aujourd'hui." - Françoise Ducros
"Comme dans l'infini il n'y a ni Mesure ni Temps, je me sens exister sans dimensions et sans âge, à l'état d'idée, enfin comme une sorte d'Ame." - Amédée Ozenfant
Notes of biography
Born in the north of France in 1886, Amédée Ozenfant learnt to draw at the Quentin-La Tour Municipal School in Saint Quentin, his hometown. He moves to Paris in 1907, works in an architectural office and attends the Palette Academy. He exhibits at the Salon d’Automne in 1910.
From 1909 to 1913, he takes many trips to Russia, Italy, Belgium, Holland, etc. Unfit for military service in the First World War, he founds the revue ‘Elan’ and creates ties between the mobilised artists and those, like him, who were not participating in the war. During this period, his style is cubist, then futurist and abstract. He wants to rise above these phases and begins research ‘for a more pure art form’.
In 1917, Ozenfant, meets the architect and painter Charles-Edouard Jeanneret (Le Corbusier). The Thomas Gallery in Paris organizes the first purist exhibition in 1917. In 1918, he publishes with Le Corbusier, the Purist manifesto: ‘After Cubism’. Ozenfant is cofounder, in 1920, of the revue ‘L’Esprit Nouveau’ (The New Spirit), a revue of the purist movement.
In 1924, he opens with Fernand Léger a studio in Paris, a studio that Alexandra Exter and Marie Laurecin get involved in. From 1925-1929, Ozenfant teaches at the Modern Academy in Paris. He starts to detach himself from purism. His first solo exhibition is organized in 1928. The artist founds the Academy of Art, in his own name, in 1932 in Paris, then in 1936 one in London.
Like other artists, he emmigrates to the United States on the eve of the Second World War and founds in New York the Ozenfant School of Fine Arts. Ozenfant takes American nationality in 1944, that he gives up in 1955, on his return to France. He paints views of the sky and uncluttered architecture. Ozenfant publishes numerous books on art and on art theories and he becomes an authority on these subjects.
He opens his last studio in Cannes, the town where he dies in 1966.
Artists on display
The art and the artists display: proclamations, galleries, museums, personal or collective exhibitions. On walls or in shop windows, wise or rebels, posters warn, argue, show. Some were specially conceived by an artist for such or such event, other, colder, have only the letter.
Some were created in lithographic technic, most are simple offset reproductions. They are many those who like collecting these rectangles of paper, monochrome or in games of colours, in matt paper or brilliant, with many words or almost dumb.
We are happy also to be able to greet, by this pages, mythical galleries as those of Denise René, Louis Carré, Claude Bernard, Berheim Jeune, Maeght, Pierre Loeb and others.

Complete work(s)
Complete work(s)
* « L'œuvre peint », P. M. Guenegan, Ed. Landwell & Leeds Ltd, 2012 All the complete worksBibliographic track and more
To read about the artist :
- « Le manifeste du purisme » , A. Ozenfant et Le Corbusier, Ed. des auteurs, 1916
- « L'Esprit nouveau », revue créée par A. Ozenfant et Le Corbusier, 28 n°s, 1920
- « Ozenfant », John Golding, cat., Ed. Gallery M. Knoedler, New York, 1973
- « Ozenfant and Purism : the evolution of a style 1915-1930 » Ball UMI Press 1981
- « Amédée Ozenfant », Musée Antoine Lécuyer, Saint-Quentin, 1985
- « Ozenfant », in revue Beaux-Arts magazine n°31, janv. 1986
- « Ozenfant : regard sur la modernité », La Malmaison, Cannes, 1997
- Après le cubisme », A. Ozenfant et Le Corbusier, Ed. Altamira, 1999
- In « L'esprit Nouveau : purism in Paris 1918-1925 », C.S. Eliel, Abrams, NY 2001
- « Amédée Ozenfant », Françoise Ducros, Ed. Cercle d'Art, 2002
To read from the artist :
- « Art », Jean Budry et Cie, Paris, 1928
- « Mémoires 1886-1962 », K. Granoff, R. Cogniat, Ed. Seghers, Paris 1968
Website :
No website dedicated to the artist.More :
Stamp by Amédée Ozenfant
The publication of a postal stamp is often a homage paid by a nation to a place, an event, a remarkable cause or a character which count. The painters and other artists do not escape from this rule. Some are however "forgotten" of postal art. Here, gathered below (French or foreign), emitted stamps (206) or simple studies of stamp (224) in homage to the artists represented on our website. The first French stamp was emitted in 1849, England preceded us by ten years. There is often a share of voyage in this small form of shape paper. The stamp circulates, sails, flies away, it makes dream, then dream a little. M.C.
When the stamp is really emitted, the artist name is preceded of an asterisk (*).
It is certain that we do not know each stamp emitted for such or such artist; do not hesitate with us to make known them!
Discover all the stampsDedicated book by the artist
Michelle Champetier Collection / This document is not for sale
A tribute to Amédée Ozenfant
Il allait avoir 80 ans. Le peintre et théoricien de l'art Amédée Ozenfant est mort à l'hôpital des Broussailles de Cannes (Alpes-Maritimes) le 4 mai 1966, ville où, après son retour des Etats-Unis, il s'était installé en 1955. Après ses obsèques à l'Eglise du Prado (Cannes), l'artiste sera inhumée quelques jours plus tard dans le cimetière Saint Jean de Saint-Quentin (Aisne), sa ville de naissance. Avec respect, nous déposons ici une fleur de lilas.
"L'art est avant tout dans la conception. La technique n'est qu'un outil, humblement au service de la conception. Le purisme ne croit pas que retourner à la nature signifie retourner à la copie de la nature. " - Le Corbusier et Amédée Ozenfant
"Dès son origine, j'avais refusé de limiter le purisme à une esthétique : je voulais que ce soit non pas une façon de faire mais une façon de penser et de sentir, en somme une philosophie, un esprit : un Esprit nouveau." - Amédée Ozenfant
"Notre présent est souvent fait de la lente intégration de notre passé." - Amédée Ozenfant
"Par son ouvrage « Foundations of Modern Art », Ozenfant a apporté une contribution essentielle à la culture moderne et à sa compréhension." - Lewis Mumford
"Ozenfant eut un caractère souple et ouvert. Elle lui confère une position de relais entre les avant-gardes passées et la création d'aujourd'hui." - Françoise Ducros
"Comme dans l'infini il n'y a ni Mesure ni Temps, je me sens exister sans dimensions et sans âge, à l'état d'idée, enfin comme une sorte d'Ame." - Amédée Ozenfant
Art movements
+ ABSTRACTION-CREATION / 1931-1938 / Etienne Béothy, Frantisek Kupka, Piet Mondrian, Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Georges Vantongerloo, etc.
+ MAGIC REALISM / 1935-1980 / Pierre Roy, Albert Carel Willink, Grant Wood, etc.
All art movements
See & discover
Beyond works currently in stock, it seemed to me useful to combine business with pleasure by letting you discover others works by artists in my gallery. These artworks, now sold or removed from our website, have been in our stock in the past.
These pages will undoubtedly make it possible for some of you to associate an image with its title or the other way round, for others it will be a good time to discover more on such and such artist. For the sake of confidentiality – the pieces being no longer available – we won't display neither their numbering or their price. For whatever reason, make sure to visit this amazing art database with to date 6441 online works just for your pleasure! Michelle Champetier