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Art movements

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This group was formed in London in 1933. It brought together artists who were into Constructivism and some Surrealists. It was founded on an alliance between some artists and some architects, and it gave a determining modernist impetus to English art during the 1930’s. In 1934, art critique H. Read published “Unit One, The Modern Movement in English Architecture, Painting, and Sculpture”, which outlined the specificities of this movement without defining a strict and restrictive doctrine. Read was also instrumental in organizing several exhibits for this group. Paul Nash gave the following definition of Unit One: “The expression of a truly contemporary spirit, what can be identified as of today in the field of art.” Later on, many painters gathered around a leader, Ben Nicholson.

Artists not in gallery : Edward Burra, Paul Nash, etc.

Artists in gallery : , , , .


XXth century art movements

