Background Image

Antoni Tàpies

Verticals in bottom / Lithograph signed

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Verticals in bottom 1968

Original lithograph in colors (black, ochre, two gray and white), signed in pencil. Ed. Maeght, Paris. Title : Verticales en bas.

  • Edition : 75 numbered and signed copies + Few H.C.
  • Number : Unnumbered
  • Paper : Lana
  • Illustration size : 118,8 x 79,2 cm
  • Paper size (or piece size) : 118,8 x 79,2 cm
  • Reference : Galfetti Vol. I n° 162
  • Condition : Margins reduced (few millimeters). Copie laid down on fabric.
  • Price : 3000 euros (other currencies for information only)

If you wish to offer an artwork by this artist or get an appraisal, please feel free to contact us.
  • More informations

    More informations on this work : Antoni Tàpies - Verticals in bottom - Lithograph signed

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  • Context of the work

    Sorry this section is only available in french for now.

    Un ensemble de près de 1100 œuvres imprimées d’Antoni Tàpies, sur la période 1947-1986, est répertorié par Mariuccia Galfetti dans les trois volumes constituant le Catalogue Raisonné de l’œuvre gravé. Ces ouvrages incontournables sur l’œuvre gravé de l’artiste, en bilingue français-allemand, ont été publiés par les Ed. Erker (St Gallen, Suisse). Un quatrième volume est en cours de préparation. Le premier volume, période 1947-1972, décrit 388 œuvres sur papier de l’artiste : gravures et lithographies. Tapiès est avant tout un peintre ; après quelques essais et quelques expériences isolées, ce n’est que tardivement – en 1959, Tapiès a 36 ans – que l’artiste s’engage véritablement dans l’art graphique, choisissant pour média la pierre lithographique. Comme la plupart des artistes s’engageant dans cette voie, le but de l’artiste est de multiplier les supports afin de répandre ses inventions, les rendant ainsi accessibles au plus grand nombre. Ces ouvrages, comme le sont souvent les catalogues raisonnés, constituent une somme pour connaître et comprendre la démarche et l’évolution de l’artiste au fil de ans.

    C.R. L’œuvre gravé Vol. I 1947-72, par Mariuccia Galfetti, Ed. Erker, 1975

  • Size in inches
    Illustration size 46.7 x 31.1 inches
    Paper size (or piece size) : 46.7 x 31.1 inches
  • Terms of sale

    Simplified terms and conditions of sale Order: The availability of the items will be confirmed prior to the order being placed. For all orders, the buyer declares having read and accepted without reservation all the terms and conditions of sale. Guarantee: All the items listed are guaranteed authentic and are issued with a detailed invoice and certificate of authenticity: only these two documents are authoritative as to authenticity. Prices are in euros. All prices are net in euros (EUR); note: a converter ensures that the buyer is provided with an approximative amount for the item ordered in US dollars, pounds sterling, Yen, and Swiss Francs. Prices shall be modified without prior notice. Prices are net (VAT included), plus shipping costs. Payment: Payment is to be made in euros, within a period of eight (8) days of receipt of the estimate conveyed by email or by fax. After this period, the item will be made available for sale to other buyers. - Payment by Visa or Mastercard accepted in presence of the seller only - French bank cheques (the item(s) shall be dispatched after the cheque has been credited) - bank transfers (bank fees shall be chargeable to the buyer) - swift (bank fees shall be payable by the buyer) Ownership: Title is transferred upon full payment of the order placed pursuant to Law No. 80-335 of 12 May 1980. Shipping: We guarantee that orders shall be dispatched within eight (8) days after receipt of payment. Packaging is free of charge (except in exceptional cases). Payment of shipping costs are the responsibility of the buyer. - France: via Tracked COLISSIMO, CHRONOPOST or FEDEX - Outside of France: FEDEX or by post for small amounts as agreed with the buyer. - For items over 8,000 euros, via specialized carrier (upon acceptance of the quote) With regard to shipments worldwide, import customs fees and duties are payable by the buyer. Insurance: Insurance fees for shipment of items whose value exceeds 8,000 euros are payable by the buyer. Complaints: Any complaints shall be filed within a period of eight (8) days after receipt of the goods and two weeks for French and EU buyers upon receipt of the package. The buyer is responsible for return costs and the goods will be re-dispatched in the original packaging. Cancellation: Any request to invoke your cancellation right must be made by writing (email) within eight (8) days (14 days for French or EU buyers) upon receipt of the package (compare Law No. 2014-344 of 17 March 2014). The buyer is responsible for payment of the return fees and the item shall be re-dispatched in the original packaging. In case of dispute, the courts of the seller’s jurisdiction only are competent.

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