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3 work(s) available

Sanniti III
Sanniti II
Sanniti I

Catalogue(s) raisonné(s)

Catalogue(s) raisonné(s)
Non réalisé à ce jour. All the catalogues raisonnés

Bibliographic track & more

To read from or about the artist :
* Revue Proposta, couverture de l'artiste, n° 51-52, sept-Déc. 1980.
* Arcangelo - Terra mia, G. Vestrum, M.L. Frisa, Galerie Tanit, Münich, 1984.
* Esposito Arcangelo in catalogue d'oeuvres de huit artistes. Ed. Essegi, 1991.
* Vidéo de l'exposition Arcangelo, Galleria Civica D’Arte Contemporanea di Trento, 1991.
* Arcangelo - Opere-Work 1983- 2007, Ed. Damiani, 2011.
* Arcangelo - Opere su carta 1982- 2012, Francesco Clivio Arte Moderna, Parme, 2012.
* Arcangelo. Opere 1983-2014, Galleria Francesco Clivio Arte Moderna, Milan, 2015.
* Arcangelo - Irpini, S. Bastianini, L. Conti, PoliArt, Rovereto, 2015.
* Arcangelo - La pittura che nasce della terra, video, Paola Caviragui, 56° Premio Internazionale alla Carriera Bice Bugatt, 2015.
* Esposito Arcangelo in catalogue de l'exposition Dialoghi dell'inconscio, L. De Luca, M. Bignami, Edizioni Solfanelli, 2016.
* Arcangelo - Al sud del mondo, I. Quaroni, Progetto arte ELM, Milan, 2016
* Catalogue de l'exposition Arcangelo - Via Appia, G. R. Manzoni, Galleria Francesco Clivio, Milan, 2017.
* Arcangelo - Le mie mani toccano la terra, Musée Ma*Ga, Gallarate, Ed. Skira, Milan, 2020.  
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Artists on display

The art and the artists display: proclamations, galleries, museums, personal or collective exhibitions. On walls or in shop windows, wise or rebels, posters warn, argue, show. Some were specially conceived by an artist for such or such event, other, colder, have only the letter.

Some were created in lithographic technic, most are simple offset reproductions. They are many those who like collecting these rectangles of paper, monochrome or in games of colours, in matt paper or brilliant, with many words or almost dumb.

We are happy also to be able to greet, by this pages, mythical galleries as those of Denise René, Louis Carré, Claude Bernard, Berheim Jeune, Maeght, Pierre Loeb and others.

All the posters