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César Domela

"The discipline gives to painting dignity."


Notes of biography

Cesar Domela-Nieuwenhuis was born in Amsterdam on January 15th, 1900. He began painting in 1918 and devoted himself entirely to the art one year later, year following his father death, who was a Lutheran Pasteur and a famous political leader Ferdinand Domela-Nieuwenhuis. He settled down in Switzerland, in Ascona, where he joined the community of the “Mont de la Vérité”. In 1920, He started his analytical geometry. Three years later, he showed in Berlin his first abstract works of art in the exhibition named “November Group”. In 1925 he met Mondrian and Theo Van Doesburg in Paris and adhered to their movement De Stijl.
However, he quit the movement very soon and its too rigorous rules, then added to his composition the diagonal line, and later the third dimension (first reliefs in Berlin in 1928). He started working with a lot of different materials, which allowed him to play with the transparency of the plans: wood, brass, copper, glass, plexiglas. He used curves lines since 1932. From 1927 to 1933 his numerous - avant-gardist activities (painting, photography, graphic art) - lead him to Paris and Berlin; César Domela adhered to the “Ring Neue Verbege stalter” founded by Schwitters and gathered Lissitzky, Heartfield, Moholy-Nagy, Hans Richter… He contributed to the reviews “Cercle et Carré” and “Abstraction Creation”. Following his research on photography, he organized in 1931 for the Staatliche Kunstbibliothek of Berlin the exhibition “Fotomontage”.
In 1933, when the Nazism was in power in Germany, he settled down definitively in Paris where he found many artists friends among which Mondrian, Robert and Sonia Delaunay, Arp and Antoine Pevsner; he continued his research activity and was always present among the avant-gardist : he founded in 1937, with Sophie Tauber and Hans Arp, the review “Plastique”. From the Thirties, the artist took part in the main international demonstrations of abstract art.
César Domela died in Paris on December 31st, 1992.

Artists on display

The art and the artists display: proclamations, galleries, museums, personal or collective exhibitions. On walls or in shop windows, wise or rebels, posters warn, argue, show. Some were specially conceived by an artist for such or such event, other, colder, have only the letter.

Some were created in lithographic technic, most are simple offset reproductions. They are many those who like collecting these rectangles of paper, monochrome or in games of colours, in matt paper or brilliant, with many words or almost dumb.

We are happy also to be able to greet, by this pages, mythical galleries as those of Denise René, Louis Carré, Claude Bernard, Berheim Jeune, Maeght, Pierre Loeb and others.


Complete work(s)

Complete work(s)
All the complete works

Bibliographic track and more

To read about the artist :
  • « Domela », Marcel Brion, col. Musée de Poche, Ed. G. Fall, 1961
  • « Domela », C. Zervos, Ed. J.M. Meulenhoff, Amsterdam, 1965
  • « Cesar Domela Nieuwenhuis », M. Allemand, cat. d’expo, St.-Etienne, 1970
  • « Petit édifice d’amitié volante », R. Haussmann, Ed. G. de Seine, Paris, 1971
  • « Werke 1922-1972 », coll., Kunstverin fur di Rheinlande und Westfalen Dusseld., 1972
  • « Domela - Gouaches de la période parisienne », C. Derouet, Ed. Relex, Utrecht, 1984
  • « D. 65 ans d'abstraction », cat. d'expos, MAM Ville de Paris, Musée de Grenoble, 1987
  • « Lignes courbes et angles droits », M.-O. Briot, cat., Ed. Galerie Thessa Herold, 1994
  • « C. D., la vision tactile », A. Cordier, F. Chappey, cat., Dunkerque, Archibooks, 2008
  • « C. D. : Typographie, photomontages et reliefs », coll., Ed. Musées Strasbourg, 2007
To read from the artist :
  • « Visite à César Domela », court métrage documentaire d’Alain Resnais, 1948
  • « L'art en écrit », Ed. Jannink, Paris, 1991
Website :
No website dedicated to the artist.

More :

Art movements

+ NEW REALITIES / 1946-1956 / Etienne Béothy, Marcelle Cahn, etc.
+ ABSTRACTION-CREATION / 1931-1938 / Etienne Béothy, Frantisek Kupka, Piet Mondrian, Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Georges Vantongerloo, etc.
+ PHOTOGRAPHY BETWEEN WARS / 1918-1939 / Robert Tatlin, Alexandre Rodchenko, etc.
All art movements

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